Category: 12. Entertainment (Other)

“Laura,” she told me matter-of-factly when I asked why we had bonded so quickly, “The Finnish don’t believe in talking bull[stuff].”

What she neglected to tell me, however, is that Finns think if there’s no important topic to discuss, there’s no conversation at all. In fact, one of their national sayings is ‘Silence is gold, talking is silver’.

Click BBC – Travel – How the Finnish survive without small talk for the rest of the article.

Helsinkis single line underground train at a station

BNTE66 Helsinkis single line underground train at a station

Travel: Nonsense: or “How to Deal With Rude Airplane Seat Recliners” | Time Magazine

“Perhaps the only thing more frustrating than shrinking leg room on airplanes is when a passenger reclines their seat, further encroaching on already tight space. While the impulse is understandable, the shift in angle can lead to severe discomfort. So what should you do when someone decides to lean back into your knees or laptop…

Travel: Canada: The 2018 World’s Best Cities in Canada | Travel + Leisure

“Last year, Travel + Leisure named Canada our Destination of the Year — and for good reason. With awe-inspiring national parks, unsung wine regions, and pristine coastlines, it offers an array of rural, outdoor-focused adventures. But the cities don’t disappoint, either. And when we asked T+L readers which ones stood out from the pack, they…